yi 已參加 你屬於哪種名牌子 測驗,結果是 你屬於louis vuitton
知名度十分高的名牌 無人不知 yi:LV~nice..
yi 已參加 你的快樂‧簡單嗎? 測驗,結果是 你的快樂‧簡單指數25%
你一直努力尋找快樂的方法,其實快樂並不複雜。回想小時候,大人請你食一粒糖,已經令你開心不已!今天你也可以做得到。 加入快樂簡單,讓你感受更多的快樂 yi:yo~!so sad meh?
你一直努力尋找快樂的方法,其實快樂並不複雜。回想小時候,大人請你食一粒糖,已經令你開心不已!今天你也可以做得到。 加入快樂簡單,讓你感受更多的快樂 yi:yo~!so sad meh?
yi completed the quiz "What kind of mask do you wear?" with the result Strength .
Your mask is strength. You try hard to fend for yourself. You do not let others do things for you. You often need to be in control of a situation, even if you can't handle it alone. You are always putting on a front, even if you don't feel strong at all. You don't let others see you when you're vulnerable, because you barely let your self be. Despite your flaws of always trying to act strong, you are a strong person, with strong character that can do anything you put your mind to. A lot of the times you really don't need anyone, and are perfectly capable on your own. However, there are times you find yourself wanting to let someone in but are not really sure how to.. yi:started from tat day..i'm try hard to protect myself..just bcoz of..the fact maked me feel so pain enaf.. yi 已參加 你現在想著誰? 測驗,結果是 不能在一起的人
他/她的味道總在四周遊蕩...想念得好像溶進血液裡... 好吧,請由今天在月曆上寫下︰『放開別人,放開自己』 別讓眼淚白流。好好愛自己,別人才懂愛你。yi:no comment..haiz
Your mask is strength. You try hard to fend for yourself. You do not let others do things for you. You often need to be in control of a situation, even if you can't handle it alone. You are always putting on a front, even if you don't feel strong at all. You don't let others see you when you're vulnerable, because you barely let your self be. Despite your flaws of always trying to act strong, you are a strong person, with strong character that can do anything you put your mind to. A lot of the times you really don't need anyone, and are perfectly capable on your own. However, there are times you find yourself wanting to let someone in but are not really sure how to.. yi:started from tat day..i'm try hard to protect myself..just bcoz of..the fact maked me feel so pain enaf.. yi 已參加 你現在想著誰? 測驗,結果是 不能在一起的人
他/她的味道總在四周遊蕩...想念得好像溶進血液裡... 好吧,請由今天在月曆上寫下︰『放開別人,放開自己』 別讓眼淚白流。好好愛自己,別人才懂愛你。yi:no comment..haiz
yi just took the "What cell phone should you have?" quiz and the result is Voyager.
you like to be in style and always have something new but not always the most expensive yi:i lik it..haha..if can get it..niceyi took the How old do you look? quiz and got the result: 16..
16: You are 16 years old! You have a very innocent and energetic spirit. You are always on the go and full of curiosity and vibrancy. Though immature at times, people generally love being around you because you are a breath of fresh air and always have something interesting to say. yi:my real age ..hmm... yi 剛玩完了 戀情在哪 心理測驗,結果是 自已在附近仔細地尋找
你該不會正是這種面無表情、讓人難以親近的人吧!試著讓自已活潑一點,經常面帶微笑,並且穿著最好清爽一點,好讓戀愛的氣息慢地近你喲 yi:where wor?aiyoweiah..
yi took the What should be your real height? quiz and the result is 170-179 cm
yi:haha..yup..tat my real height..171cm..
you like to be in style and always have something new but not always the most expensive yi:i lik it..haha..if can get it..niceyi took the How old do you look? quiz and got the result: 16..
16: You are 16 years old! You have a very innocent and energetic spirit. You are always on the go and full of curiosity and vibrancy. Though immature at times, people generally love being around you because you are a breath of fresh air and always have something interesting to say. yi:my real age ..hmm... yi 剛玩完了 戀情在哪 心理測驗,結果是 自已在附近仔細地尋找
你該不會正是這種面無表情、讓人難以親近的人吧!試著讓自已活潑一點,經常面帶微笑,並且穿著最好清爽一點,好讓戀愛的氣息慢地近你喲 yi:where wor?aiyoweiah..
yi took the What should be your real height? quiz and the result is 170-179 cm
yi:haha..yup..tat my real height..171cm..
yi 剛玩完了 屬於自己的愛情樹 心理測驗,結果是 茶樹
愛情物語:安定愛情中,你是一個不會適可而止的人,一旦投入,無論表現得是如何冷靜、矜持,其實,心早已淪陷,再做不到全身而退的瀟灑。相思入骨,是幸運,更是折磨,你清楚自己這一點,也不會將愛輕易投注,在感情方面,你始終有些壓抑。你需要,也期待那樣一個男子,他成熟、穩重,有頭腦而且正派,給予你足夠的安全感,讓你能夠放心地把一顆心交付。 yi:hmmm.... yi 已參加 S.H.E哪首歌最能代表你?(更新了啦~) 測驗,結果是 不想長大
[我不想我不想 不想長大 長大後世界就沒童話] 現實的愛情跟小時候所相信的童話根本就兩回事。你相信愛情, 對愛情很單純、專一, 但當你見識過愛的黑暗後, 就不敢再相信愛了; 然而你也只會逃避現實, 躲避''要長大''的那一天。 yi:i agree with tat..sad~
yi just took the "Whats your Dream Job?" quiz and the result is Rock Star.
you might even be a rock star! think about it babe i will hope t see you in hard rock cafe! Yo always know where to go and what to do if you want to relax and just be you! yi:OMG~i don think so... yi just took the "What Movie should you be in?" quiz and the result is titanic.
you are adventurous and very romantic! you also love leornardo di caprio yi:so romantic~wa~~~yi just took the "What Disney Guy is Right For You?" quiz and the result is Aladdin.
You want a whole new world. You crave someone different, a different you can't have. You want a dangerous guy who deep down is quite sensitive. Good Luck. yi:good luck..
愛情物語:安定愛情中,你是一個不會適可而止的人,一旦投入,無論表現得是如何冷靜、矜持,其實,心早已淪陷,再做不到全身而退的瀟灑。相思入骨,是幸運,更是折磨,你清楚自己這一點,也不會將愛輕易投注,在感情方面,你始終有些壓抑。你需要,也期待那樣一個男子,他成熟、穩重,有頭腦而且正派,給予你足夠的安全感,讓你能夠放心地把一顆心交付。 yi:hmmm.... yi 已參加 S.H.E哪首歌最能代表你?(更新了啦~) 測驗,結果是 不想長大
[我不想我不想 不想長大 長大後世界就沒童話] 現實的愛情跟小時候所相信的童話根本就兩回事。你相信愛情, 對愛情很單純、專一, 但當你見識過愛的黑暗後, 就不敢再相信愛了; 然而你也只會逃避現實, 躲避''要長大''的那一天。 yi:i agree with tat..sad~
yi just took the "Whats your Dream Job?" quiz and the result is Rock Star.
you might even be a rock star! think about it babe i will hope t see you in hard rock cafe! Yo always know where to go and what to do if you want to relax and just be you! yi:OMG~i don think so... yi just took the "What Movie should you be in?" quiz and the result is titanic.
you are adventurous and very romantic! you also love leornardo di caprio yi:so romantic~wa~~~yi just took the "What Disney Guy is Right For You?" quiz and the result is Aladdin.
You want a whole new world. You crave someone different, a different you can't have. You want a dangerous guy who deep down is quite sensitive. Good Luck. yi:good luck..
yi just took the "Which princess are you?" quiz and the result is Snow white.
Always trying to please people, unlike most of the other princesses you have some skill yi:but..i'm not pretty lik snow white..i'm ugly.. haiz..
Always trying to please people, unlike most of the other princesses you have some skill yi:but..i'm not pretty lik snow white..i'm ugly.. haiz..
yi just took the "what name brand do you fit best" quiz and the result is chanel.
you are a chanel type of girl you love to look glamourous and you are very high maintenance you could not go one day with out looking like a million dollars. your the princess duh yi:wa~
you are a chanel type of girl you love to look glamourous and you are very high maintenance you could not go one day with out looking like a million dollars. your the princess duh yi:wa~
yi just took the "What Fruit are You?" quiz and the result is Strawberry!.
Your a very sweet and caring person. You are the one that people come to for comfort, a shoulder to cry on. You friends can trust you with anything~ You have a bubbly personality! yi:the pic is cute
Your a very sweet and caring person. You are the one that people come to for comfort, a shoulder to cry on. You friends can trust you with anything~ You have a bubbly personality! yi:the pic is cute
yi just took the "What color is your heart?" quiz and the result is Red.
You are kind and loving. You have a romantic side that loves to show itself. You need someone who is gentle and soft like you. You have an aggressive side that tends to show itself every now and then; some might even say you have a temper. People like you around to add a little spice to their lives yi:lucky is not black in colour..haha
You are kind and loving. You have a romantic side that loves to show itself. You need someone who is gentle and soft like you. You have an aggressive side that tends to show itself every now and then; some might even say you have a temper. People like you around to add a little spice to their lives yi:lucky is not black in colour..haha
yi just took the "What season are you?" quiz and the result is Winter.
You are a calm person who enjoys relaxation all day. You are rarely show excitement, but you feel regular emotions just like every other person. You will get along well with autumns, but avoid springs at all costs! yi:i told autumns..winter is nice..
You are a calm person who enjoys relaxation all day. You are rarely show excitement, but you feel regular emotions just like every other person. You will get along well with autumns, but avoid springs at all costs! yi:i told autumns..winter is nice..
yi just took the "What Jewel Are You??" quiz and the result is ruby.
your a ruby that means your caring yi:m'i?hmm...
your a ruby that means your caring yi:m'i?hmm...
yi just took the "How much money u will have when u grow up!" quiz and the result is Damn u will be rich!!!!!!!!.
damn u will live in a manshion with a roll of money!!!!!!! yi:walao~gan you lo..if is real,gud!!yi just took the "What will you be in the future?" quiz and the result is President/Senator.
Omfg! Your President/Senator of The USA/(Insert State Here)! Please, put some pork money in those bills for me! yi:haha..u belived tat?
damn u will live in a manshion with a roll of money!!!!!!! yi:walao~gan you lo..if is real,gud!!yi just took the "What will you be in the future?" quiz and the result is President/Senator.
Omfg! Your President/Senator of The USA/(Insert State Here)! Please, put some pork money in those bills for me! yi:haha..u belived tat?
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